247\LiVECHAT faqs

Frequently asked questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does 247LiveChat service work?

When you subscribe to our service you will be able to chat in a real time with your website visitors.
You can find detailed explanation here.

OK, I want to start using 247LiveChat

This is very simple, all you need is:

  • Download our 247LiveChat operator software and install it on your PC.
  • Create your account with us.
  • Insert chat button code into your website.

Now you are ready to chat with your website visitors.

Do I need to enter my credit card details for the trial?

No. You don’t need to provide any credit card details for the free trial.

How much does it cost?

Our monthly service charge is € 3.99 per chat operator account.

How do I add the chat feature to my website?

All you have to do is to copy and paste the tracking code into the web pages you want to provide chat feature. You will get access to the tracking code upon registration.

What operating systems and web browsers is 247LiveChat compatible with?

247LiveChat supports all major web browsers including:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Apple Safari

You can also use our Android or iOS apps to respond to chats from your mobile device anywhere, anytime.

Can we receive messages when we are off-line?

Yes. A form will be loaded when all the operators are offline.

Can I use one 247LiveChat on more than one website?

Yes. You can use our chat button on as many websites as you like.

Do I need to install something on my web server?

Nothing at all. It is a hosted service.

Do I need to install something on my PC?

Yes. To make chatting with your visitors easy and convenient you need to download and install our live chat operator software. Alternatively you can use one of third party chat applications.

Can I add more operators later after I subscribe?

Yes. You can add as many operators as you like.

How secure is 247LiveChat?

We adhere to the highest security standards in the industry and our service is trusted by a number of financial and health care institutions. Please refer to our Security Datasheet for more information.



247LiveChat helps both customers and agents, making
business online communication easier than ever
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Ready to get started with 247LiveChat?

Start a free 30 day trial now, no credit card details are needed!

Allow your website visitors to chat with a company sales or support team and have their questions answered instantly.