Businesses require visitors whom they spend thousands of dollars a month on advertising to get them in the door or on their website. Business then in turn hope to convert these visitors into customers or loyal fans by enticing them to purchase a product or become a member. With Web 2.0 technologies, you no longer have to rely upon a static ad and and massive amounts of traffic to obtain a few sales – now you can use live chat software provided by to increase that conversion ratio.
Step 1: Install the Software. makes it simple to install its snippet code into your website with just a few clicks. They have ready made plug-ins (modules) for Joomla, Drupal, and ecommerce sites like Magneto.
Step 2: Continue to Market Your Website. Getting visitors to your website is paramount to convert them into sales or members. Continue to use your marketing ad campaigns to drive traffic such as Google, AdBrite, and Yahoo.
Step 3: Log into your chat operator software and start to contact your visitors using the visitor tracking software. The Live website chat software will show you how many people are on the website and you can choose to contact them manually or let the software auto prompt each visitor for a chat session. is a SAS application, which means software as a service. This is where the application is hosted by the developer or marketplace and you pay a monthly fee to use the product. It is a new concept in Web 2.0 technologies and many are jumping on the band wagon as it allows for world wide access to the software, technical problems are resolved quicker, lower up front costs, and less hassle for webmasters.
In Conclusion, there are many visitors to websites and few of them stay for longer than a minute or two. Those website visitors who continue to read and surf your website are prime targets for a sale and sometimes all that is lacking is a few unanswered questions by a live website chat operator who can seal the deal and increase your conversion ratio. With so many powerful tools from managing multiple websites, simultaneous sessions of chat, visitor tracking software and more it is no wonder why so many are turning to for their website chat software! Start your free 30-Day trial today with no strings attached!
Start a free 30 day trial now, no credit card details are needed!
Allow your website visitors to chat with a company sales or support team and have their questions answered instantly.