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How to fix high SEO rankings and low sales with live chat software

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Believe it or not, many of the top ranking websites displayed on search engine queue results are not raking in the millions like you may expect. Granted, Amazon (books), Coca-Cola (soft drinks), and Play.com (CD’s) are probably doing just fine for themselves, many other lesser known top charting search result ecommerce websites are not showing such great sales results. The reason for this is quite simple, instead of paying attention to what customers want they focused too heavily on what the search engines want from their website.


The result is that while search engine spiders find the websites intriguing and well formed, browsers find just the opposite and quickly hit the back button so they can check out another website. The truth is that being in the top of a queue list will not mean anything if browsers do not find your website to meet their standards. In fact, if you look back at the mentioned references, you will find that each of these websites offers browsers a completely interactive website that is easy to navigate which is something that you may have left out in your quest to the top.

However, if you have found yourself in this situation there is one easy way to fix the problem: purchase some live chat agent software. Browsers are most likely to leave a website if they cannot find the product they are after or find it but have a question about the product that the website does not answer.

Instead of allowing them to navigate onward, with live chat software installed you can reach out to them and offer them the answers and locations of anything that they may be looking for on your website. By offering instant answers they not only will likely make the final purchase, but are more likely to tell others about your website and return themselves.

Today’s society is one that is defined by instant gratification, and there is no place in which this fact is more important than online. With live chat software you can offer a customer instant attention which will make your website invaluable to them compared to any other site selling the same products or services. With the amount of additional sales that you make each month the investment will both instantly and continually pay off and finally start to make your hard earned SEO status well worth it.

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