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Settings - Chat Profiles

Chat profiles can be used to customise look and behaviour of your Live Chat widget.


Figure 4.1 Chat profiles panel.
  1. Click here to add new Chat profile.
  2. Click profile name to edit settings.




Figure 4.2 Chat profiles - General settings.
  1. Set name of your Chat profile.
  2. Select language which will be used for Live Chat widget for this profile.
  3. Select how chat requests should be distributed to Chat Operators. Available options:
    • Alert all Operators - all available operators are alerted at the same time. The first to answer has chat session allocated.
    • Alert one Operator - one operator only is alerted at the time.
  4. Set timeout after which, if no operator answers chat requests, the visitor is redirected to Offline message form.
  5. Set how many simultaneous chat sessions can be allocated to a single agent.
  6. Optionally enable "Automatic greeting message", which gives impression to the visitor that chat has been already replied to, even if no Operators are available.
  7. Set to which Chat Operators chat requests should be routed to.

Chat Icon


Figure 4.3 Chat profiles - Chat Icon settings.
  1. Select the icon which should be shown on your website.
  2. Select position of the icon.
  3. Optionally, instead of showing floating icon at fixed position, you can use icon embedded in a DIV tag with id value of 247livechat-icon - for example: <div id="247livechat-icon" style="marting-top: 10px;" />

Welcome Screen


Figure 4.4 Chat profiles - Welcome Screen settings.
  1. Select if visitors should be required to provide their name and email address. If this option is disabled, chat session will be connected as "Anonymous" instantly to available operators.
  2. Customise Welcome Screen message.
  3. Set if both name and email should be asked for and required or blank values allowed.
  4. Optionally enabled Departments selection drop down.

Offline Settings


Figure 4.5 Chat profiles - Offline settings.
  1. Customise content of "Offline message" form header text.
  2. Customise content of "Offline message" form post submit text.
  3. Select to which Operators "Offline messages" should be sent by email.
  4. Select this option to have Chat Icon hidden when no operators are available.